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Premium Product / Affordable Price

What is

the Smart Block?

The only block designed with real COW COMFORT in mind. Every specific detail has a purpose to help lame cows heal faster and provide them with comfort on their journey back to optimal health. Farmers and independent trimmers who pride themselves in true animal welfare recognize the importance of a comfortable, durable, and reliable solution for their lame cows. The Smart Block has quickly become that “go-to” tool for dairy farmers and hoof-trimmers around the world.

Smart thin animal welfare solution for lame cows
Toe Rim

The raised toe ensures proper placement, and keeps the block from getting hooked on protruding objects within the dairy environment.

Raised Heel Support

The glue-free heel support keeps the hoof balanced while keeping the glue from seeping in and aggravating the soft spot of the cow’s heel. No pinching!

Glue Spacers

Research & testing has lead us to add glue spacers in just the right spots. They ensure an optimal layer of glue to achieve maximum adhesion, without wasting glue.

Glue Canals

These holes in the block assist with ease of application. Insert the glue through the hole of the bottom of the block to ensure optimal bonding and even distribution of glue.

Glue Canals

These holes in the block assist with ease of application. Insert the glue through the hole of the bottom of the block to ensure optimal bonding and even distribution of glue.

Premium Material

Our soft, flexible, & durable material is skid-resistant, manure-pump friendly, and is simply the most comfortable block for your lame cow to walk on while she heals.

Prepare For The Smart

The Best Materials.
Meticulously Designed.
Proven and Trusted.

What is

the Smart Block?

It is the only block designed with real COW COMFORT in mind, and every specific detail has a purpose to help lame cows heal faster, and provide them with comfort on their journey back to optimal health. Farmers and independent trimmers who pride themselves in true animal welfare recognize the importance of a comfortable, durable, and reliable solution for their lame cows. The Smart Block has quickly become that “go-to” tool for dairy farmers and hoof-trimmers around the world.

Smart thin animal welfare solution for lame cows
Toe Rim

The raised toe ensures proper placement, and keeps the block from getting hooked on protruding objects within the dairy environment.

Raised Heel Support

The glue-free heel support keeps the hoof balanced while keeping the glue from aggravating the spot of the cow’s heel. No pinching!

Glue Canals

These holes in the block assist with ease of application. Insert the glue through the hole of the bottom of the block to ensure optimal bonding and even distribution of glue.

Glue Spacers

Research & testing has lead us t add glue spacers in the just the right spots. They ensure an optimal layer of glue to achieve maximum adhesion, without wasting glue.

Glue Canals

These holes in the block assist with ease of application. Insert the glue through the hole of the bottom of the block to ensure optimal bonding and even distribution of glue.

Glue Canals

These holes in the block assist with ease of application. Insert the glue through the hole of the bottom of the block to ensure optimal bonding and even distribution of glue.

Premium Material

Our soft, flexible, & durable material is skid-resistant, manure-pump friendly, and is simply the most comfortable block for your lame cow to walk on while she heals.

Premium Material

Our soft, flexible, & durable material is skid-resistant, manure-pump friendly, and is simply the most comfortable block for your lame cow to walk on while she heals.

Prepare For The Smart

The Best Materials. Handcrafted. Zero Compromises.

Y-shaped Glue Canals

Innovative and new glue application method where the glue reaches the hoof and the block at exactly the same time, eliminating any wasted curing time & ensures the strongest bond possible. Note, glue can also be applied to the top of the block or on the hoof to achieve a solid bond, if the conventional method of blocking is preferred.
How to Use Smart Blocks

In Addition To Saving Time & Money…

Vet Recommended

The Smart Block is recommended by veterinarians, dairy farmers & consultants, hoof-trimmers, and manure applicators for moderate to severe lameness issues.

See what our clients think!

Ultimate Cow Comfort

Slip resistant soft-sole protection with an innovative wedge-shaped design providing premium shock absorption during moderate to severe lameness

Ultimate Comfort Solution

Accelerated Healing

Proven with thermal imaging, a lame cow heals much faster when under less stress. The flexible material allows for quicker healing and lasts up to 3x as long!

Thermal Imaging

Still Need Another Reason To Check Us Out?

We’re Manure Pump Friendly!

Fully tested and vetted at the Vaughan Pumps facility in Montesano, Washington. Smart Blocks are tested and proven safe for manure pumps.

The Smart Block In Action

Promo Video 5:37

This video captures what we’re all about at The Smart Block, and what sets us apart from every other block on the market.  We have raised the bar exceedingly high for hoof blocks and for good reason-
YOUR COWS ARE WORTH IT!! Watch and learn what makes The Smart Block the BEST therapeutic solution for your lame cows!

Therapeutic Hoof Trim 3:31

Watch ZINPRO’s informative video demonstrating the appropriate steps, technique, and equipment needed when treating a lame cow. Note the conventional application of using The Smart Block effectively is exhibited in the video. Learn more:

All4Feet 3:20

Charlie Harding, aka “The Hoofman”, is one of our loyal and valued customers in the UK, and is also The Smart Block dealer there. This video demonstrates how using his ALL4FEET program for record keeping and The Smart Block for treating lame cows, can provide optimal results in the hoof health service industry. It also highlights his service of freeze branding. For more information, go to:

The Hoofman’s Testimony

I have been a cattle claw trimmer for over 25 years in the United Kingdom and now with the milk contracts that UK farmers have, the dairy cow mobility is essential. Poor mobility scoring can result in a UK dairy farmer being penalized for 3 months, or a milk contract cancelled. After numinous trials of different shoes & blocks, farmers and their staff noticed the better comfort and mobility from the Smart Block. I, as a claw trimmer, noticed the longevity of the block remaining on a claw, the durability from abrasive surfaces and sand barns from a soft durable block, and the extra length giving stability to the larger cows. I also promote to my customers that Smart Block is slurry system friendly- saving damage to expensive pumping systems.

– Charlie Harding

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